fredag 5 december 2008

A Declaration Of Love

I have to admit that I am wrong when I say that negativism is the base for my inspiration. Truth might be that negativity is all that we know of in times of writing. Negativity makes us want to let people know of what we feel and through words we want to know what we feel ourselves.

I am unfortunately honest to my self when I say that I search for negativity in order to write. I often forget what have brought me here and what my true inspirational source is, I’d just like her to know it and believe me so I’ll try do my best.

Lovers may not always agree to one another, especially in terms of living the life, we demand changes from one another to make us fit in better to our own demands. I often forget to apprechiate my true inspiration in my writing but I have to admit that the smell of my beautiful inspiration makes me feel comfort in the darkest of times, in the coldest of night. My inspiration is my love, the one that ought to know it, feel it from the heart rests within me, the heart that she so rightfully own in the greatest of times

I’d like her to know that I love this time, here and now. I love this time with her and I wish it would never end. As Christmas approaches I should feel stressed and long for family more and truth is sometimes I do, especially in times like these. I tend to forget that the girl next to me is a part of family or at lest someone I dream of being in it even if the suite is different, even if the room is shaped in another way than she is used to. I like her next beside me, her warmth comforts me as well as her smell. The taste of her lips is not poison that keeps me addicted to her, it is love that makes me want to dream for what our paths might bring us.

As word finally starts flowing naturally I want to apologize, for what I am not sure of, but for not truly realizing what beauty and goodness I have beside me, what strength she brings me and the love I feel for her. Her kindness is like blossom of the early spring, as well as her beauty is of elegance she ought to know of, that she ought to feel. I love and as unoriginal it may sound I wouldn’t mind stopping the time for a while, look into those beautiful eyes of hers and feel what I feel inside of me everyday. Love. It takes me back to memories we share, hard times we have been through but also all the love that has kept us strong together and all longing that has made us shiver.

All I want for Christmas is to hold your hand, feel your love and sense the relief of finally being able to look into each others eyes and feel the peace of Christmas. To you ‘M’, I love you.

‘Sleep Tight, Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite’

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Du är det bästa som finns! Jag Älskar Dig så mycket!